Associate Member Service Provider
Madera is a software company focused on creating world-class software solutions to meet the real-world needs of high-volume industrial manufacturing operations. The Madera team has felt the very real frustration that exists with current software options and has channeled it into designing and developing a new standard for gathering data and disseminating information.
Rather than launch a single product that tries to be “all-things to all-people,” Madera is developing a suite of individual modules that each company can evaluate and adopt according to their unique needs.
Their first product – ASPEN, a downtime tracking and analytics solution – takes a different approach to capturing and reporting downtime. Its intuitive PLC-integrated touchscreen interface simplifies highly accurate downtime data capture, while the dynamic reporting solution allows clients to rapidly understand the key drivers of the downtime in their mill.
ASPEN also compares mills side-by-side across all levels of our clients’ organizations (by division, by region, etc.) allowing them to understand not only which mills are out-performing or under-performing, but also how the impact of specific downtime causes can vary between mills. This visual comparative reporting facilitates the identification of best practices and simplifies the driving of improved reliability across their organizations.
Membership Type
Associate Member